Enhance your testing capabilities with our custom test rig design services, expertly tailored to meet precise industry standards and simulate real-world operational conditions. Optimize your product validation with our advanced, bespoke solutions.



A test rig is a custom setup designed to evaluate the performance and durability of products under controlled conditions. At 数字工程, we design these test rigs to replicate the specific operational environments of industries like 航空航天, 汽车, 技术, ensuring that your products are tested thoroughly and accurately according to the highest industry standards.



  • 精密工程: 每个试验台都是为了满足特定的测试规范而设计的, 确保高精度和有效的绩效评估.
  • 定制的解决方案: 根据您的具体需求量身定制, our rigs can simulate a wide array of environmental and operational conditions, 提供通用和全面的测试能力.
  • 先进技术集成: 我们采用了最先进的传感器, 数据采集系统, control technologies to enhance the accuracy and reliability of your testing outcomes.
  • 降低风险: 通过准确地模拟现实世界的条件, 我们的测试钻机有助于将产品故障的风险降至最低, 在市场发布前确保更高的可靠性.
  • 持续的生命周期和疲劳测试: Our services include continuous testing to assess product durability and lifespan under repeated stress, helping you optimize design and material choices throughout the development process.



Many industries require highly specific testing environments to ensure product efficacy and 安全. Our test rig design services address this by providing custom solutions tailored to your unique testing requirements. We collaborate closely with you to design rigs that replicate and simulate exact operational conditions, ensuring that your products are tested under the most relevant and challenging scenarios.



The accuracy and reliability of our test rigs are fundamental in achieving valid and dependable testing outcomes. 在im体育APP, we focus on the precision engineering and implementation of test rigs that exceed industry standards. By integrating advanced engineering techniques and top-quality components, 我们确保每台钻机提供一致的结果, providing you with the confidence needed for robust product validation and market readiness.

服务 & 功能

  • 定制工程与设计: We offer bespoke design services to create test rigs that meet your specific testing requirements, 从概念到细节工程.
  • 高级模拟功能: Our rigs can replicate a wide range of environmental and mechanical conditions, 确保测试准确地反映真实的场景.
  • 技术集成: Integration of state-of-the-art instrumentation and control systems to maximize data accuracy and rig functionality.
  • 安装及校正: 我们提供全面的安装服务, ensuring that each test rig is properly set up and calibrated for immediate use.
  • 持续支持和维护: Our commitment extends beyond installation with ongoing support to maintain rig performance, 如有需要,可重新校准, 并随着测试需求的发展而适应新的测试需求.



Choosing 数字工程 for your test rig design services means partnering with a leader in precision engineering solutions. Our extensive expertise in designing custom test rigs tailored to specific industry needs ensures your testing processes are both efficient and effective. We excel in integrating cutting-edge 技术 to create rigs that accurately simulate real-world conditions, 加强你的产品验证工作. Our dedication to quality and innovation makes us the preferred choice for businesses seeking reliable and accurate testing solutions.

了解更多 关于im体育APP or im体育APP的专家 团队今天讨论您的定制测试设备的需求.

Our testing and certification processes align with numerous international and national standards to ensure our products meet the highest levels of quality and 安全. 以下是我们坚持的标准的详细清单:


  • 欧洲航空安全局(EASA): Ensures 安全 and environmental protection in the 欧洲an aviation sector.
  • 民航局: 英国管理航空安全的管理机构.
  • 美国联邦航空管理局: 监督美国民航的各个方面.
  • 英国民航局: Ensures that the UK aviation industry meets the highest 安全 standards.


  • 英国标准: Specifications designed to ensure quality and efficiency across multiple industries in the UK.


  • EEC CE标志: 表明符合卫生标准的认证标志, 安全, environmental protection standards for products sold within the 欧洲an Economic Area.
  • DIN标准(deutsche institute fr Normung): 德国标准,确保质量、安全和效率.


  • ASME标准(美国机械工程师学会): Promotes the art, science and practice of multidisciplinary engineering around the globe.
  • ANSI(美国国家标准协会): 监督创作, 自发布之日起施行, use of thousands of norms and guidelines that directly impact businesses in nearly every sector.


  • 中国GB标准: 强制性标准是中国产品质量的基础.


  • ISI(印度标准协会): Quality standards used to maintain product efficiency and performance in India.

通过遵守这些标准, we ensure that our products are not only compliant with regulatory requirements but also meet the highest standards of 安全 and quality globally. If you require more details about specific standards or need information on how we implement these standards in our processes, 请随时im体育APP.


Our test rigs are engineered to simulate a wide range of environmental conditions, ensuring they can replicate the specific operational scenarios needed for your product testing.


我们的测试设备经过严格的校准和验证过程, using advanced 技术 and instrumentation to guarantee high precision and reliability in all testing outcomes.


We specialize in upgrading and retrofitting existing test rigs to meet new or changed industry standards, 增强它们的功能, 延长它们的使用寿命.

我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.